How can sustainable infrastructure be rapidly deployed to the developing world?

African Container Project

How can sustainable infrastructure be rapidly deployed to the developing world?

A common problem with prefabricated buildings has always been ‘shipping air’. The ITC Model Village Container Concept re-uses existing shipping containers to ship materials and the containers remain on-site as modular buildings. These have been designed for three purposes: educational, medical, and sustainability (water, waste and energy), each with ICT (information communication technology) capabilities. These facilities work hand in hand with UN ITC goals to build local capabilities: education, job creation and health. This concept, presented by Dale Duncan, was enthusiastically received at the UN Infopoverty World Conference. Our goal is to partner with organizations to build and deliver the first generation prototype in the near future, working with Affecting Change International. We welcome interested partners for this effort: architectural solutions for infrastructure to support the UN ICT Model Village program using a rapidly deployable, economical and sustainable approach.

For more about LifeBox visit the Affecting Change website

Project is by Dale Duncan while Principal-in-Charge at Helix